Ali Zokol, RCC

Being human can be really hard!

You’re thinking it’s time to start
looking for therapy in BC.

Maybe you’re noticing that: 

  • You try to do everything right but no matter how hard you try, it doesn’t feel like enough

  • You feel like when you go out into the world, you’re hiding behind a mask, acting as if everything is fine when inside you’re not okay

  • You’ve had a really big loss in your life — maybe death, diagnoses, break-ups (romantic, family, or friendship), job loss – and the grief has you reeling

  • Your life has changed in a huge way — maybe graduation, break ups, moving, starting school, switching careers — and you’re overwhelmed trying to adjust

  • You feel a sense of doom following you, as if you’re waiting for the next horrible thing to happen

  • You don’t even want to talk about it with your loved ones anymore because you think they must be sick of hearing it, yet it’s always playing in your mind

  • Your thoughts feel so jumbled in your head you can’t even make sense of them anymore

  • You don’t take pleasure in the things you used to enjoy

  • You’ve started to cope with your pain in ways that you aren’t proud of

  • You’re world weary, feeling paralyzed and hopeless about the future

  • You’re questioning if you can handle this suffering much longer

You have realized something needs to change.

Oftentimes, we get really caught up in trying to avoid or prevent some of the most sticky, painful parts of being human. This may help for a little while, but ultimately our strategies to turn away from the tough stuff lead to our lives becoming even more complicated, inauthentic, and painful. 

My name is Ali, and I’d be delighted to help!

I’m a therapist who helps people to lean in towards the most messy, human parts of life and figure out how to face them head on in ways that feel genuine, compassionate, and aligned with your values.

Together we will dig deep to understand your pain, foster compassion for your struggles, let go of what no longer serves you, and get creative to envision new possibilities for your future (with steps and skills that are actually do-able and at your own pace). Over time in therapy, my clients often report feeling more hope, relief, self-acceptance, joy, and authenticity, which can have ripple effects into their relationships, family dynamics, careers, and future goals.

As your therapist I will wear many hats depending on your needs and strengths — I may be a compassionate witness, coach, teammate, guide, holding space, or chaos organizer (we all need that sometimes!) Regardless, when you’re in my virtual office you will be met with warmth, whole-hearted acceptance, and a sense of humour even when we’re digging into the dark, heavy stuff. I will always strive to help us both understand your experience contextualized within broader systems, including relationships, families, communities, environments, and society.

Therapy doesn’t have to feel intimidating or formal. It can feel like a sigh of relief – a tiny sanctuary – in the midst of your week.  

Life is really hard but you can get to a place of feeling better. If you’re ready to stop avoiding and start embracing the messiness of life, schedule a free 15 minute consultation below to discuss with me how therapy with the right person can help change how you feel and cope today, tomorrow, and onwards.

Contact me now for a virtual consultation.

Questions first? Send me an email at


Online Therapy Across B.C.

No travel. No waiting room. No problem. I’ve got you covered with online counselling for any B.C. resident.


I’m so glad you’re here.